Hereby, I grant my consent to Foreign Enterprise “Birinchi rezinotexnika zavodi”Limited Liability Company
(96 Industrial Zone, SGM “Gulbag”, Angren, Tashkent Region, 110200, Republic of Uzbekistan)
for processing my personal data, including collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, refining (updating, changing), use, sharing, anonymizing, blocking and destruction of personal data.
The purposes of personal data processing will be negotiating, making, performance, termination and modification of agreements and contracts that Foreign Enterprise“Birinchi rezinotexnika zavodi” Limited Liability Company is a party to.
The list of personal data covered by the data processing consent:
- given name, patronymic, surname;
- date of birth;
- city and region of residence;
- delivery address;
- passport details: series and number, issuing authority and date of issue;
- telephone numbers (home number, office number, mobile phone number);
I have been informed that Foreign Enterprise “Birinchi rezinotexnika zavodi” Limited Liability Company guarantees that my personal data will be processed in accordance with the applicable law of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Personal Data Processing Policy of Foreign Enterprise “Birinchi rezinotexnika zavodi” Limited Liability Company.
I have been informed that my personal data are not shared with third parties except as provided by the applicable law of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
This consent will be valid for five (5) years after it is granted. I have been informed that this consent may be withdrawn at any time upon my written request sent via the e-mail address to Foreign Enterprise “Birinchi rezinotexnika zavodi” Limited Liability Company.
Foreign Enterprise “Birinchi rezinotexnika zavodi” Limited Liability Company has the right to process personal data in order to protect my rights and legitimate interests without my consent until obtaining my consent becomes possible and provided that the grounds stipulated in Part 2, Art. 18 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. ЗРУ-547 “On personal data” dd. July 2, 2019, exist.
I hereby confirm that I grant my consent freely of my own will, acting in my own interest.