For 4 months of 2022, together with JSC "Jizzakh Plastics" and JSC "Kokand Mechanical Plant", 2 types of auxiliary materials and 7 types of components and spare parts were localized. The Scientific and Technical Council and the Procurement Service have agreed and updated information on the procurement process for the organization of production processes. For 4 months of 2022, an average of 0.03 million US dollars were saved due to the localization of auxiliary materials, and 0.28 million US dollars were saved due to the localization of components and spare parts. As a result, a total of 0.31 million cash was saved. US dollars.

In the period of 2022, it is planned to localize 29 types of raw materials and 23 types of components and spare parts within the framework of production cooperation with domestic companies. Thus, it is expected that the localization of raw materials and materials will achieve an average savings of $ 2.44 million, and the localization of components and spare parts — $ 0.17 million. In total, thanks to import substitution and localization programs, about $ 2.61 million will be saved.

Технические требования и годовая потребность сырья и материалов, в рамках программы локализации на 2022 год ООО "Birinchi rezinotexnika zavodi"

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