The plant's products meet international standards and requirements. Quality management certificates ISO 9001:2015, ISO 50001:2018, certificates EC 117, EC - 30, IATF - 16949:2016 have been obtained, the plant's products are certified by the national certification system of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In 2018, the Integrated Quality Management System Manual was implemented at BRZ LLC.
This is one of the most effective ways to improve the company's management system currently is the introduction of an integrated management system (IMS), created based on the requirements of international standards and advanced management experience.
An integrated quality management system is a company's general management system that meets the requirements of two or more standards and functions as a single entity.
The structure of the activity of BRZ LLC is focused on the needs and expectations of consumers and interested parties.
ISM coverage area – 101-rubber compound workshop,
102-automobile tire workshop,
103- agricultural tire production workshop,
104-conveyor belt production workshop,
Pumping station, 207-boiler room,
208- repair shop,
209-Laboratory for physical and mechanical
Testing and Chemical Analysis,
210-tire testing center,
301-raw materials and auxiliary materials warehouse,
302- finished products warehouse,
303-Sulfur warehouse,
305 Spare parts warehouse,
306- mold warehouse,
401-Administrative building.

Quality management system and its processes.
The following processes have been defined and established at BRZ LLC:
01-Strategic planning process
01.1 - Strategic and financial planning process
02-Production planning process
03-Procurement management process
04-The production process of rubber compounds
05- Agricultural tire
production process 06-Automobile tire
production process 07-Conveyor belt production process
08- Product quality management process
09-The process of storage and sale of products
10-Personnel management process
11-Process management of infrastructure and production environment
The interaction of processes, evaluation methods (performance criteria and monitoring methods), the necessary resources are defined in the process maps.

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